Welcome to Nia™

Through Movement We Find Health

The dance workout that will make you feel good from the inside out.
Welcome home to your body. Welcome home to yourself.

Put your shoes off and let's step in....

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A journey into the world of Nia - The Joy of Movement.

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Welcome to Nia™ - an introduction

Experience the Joy of Movement yourself

Weekly Indoor Nia™ Classes

Every Friday and Sunday morning you can dance Nia™ with me in The Hague. A great way to energize your weekend!

Outdoor Nia Classes with Kim Brice

Outdoor Nia™ Classes

During summer I organize "pop-up" Nia classes on the beach in The Hague. Enjoy connecting with the elements while we dance.

Nia Events by Kim Brice

Nia™ Events

Would you like to experience Nia™ at your event, seminar or retreat. Let's conect and see if we can co-create a sensory memorable event together.

Stay updated!

Join the Nia mailing list to stay informed about class schedules and special Nia events.


What is Nia™?

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Nia is a mindful dance fitness practice that conditions your body and mind with the creative use of music and movement. Its unique concept is based on 35 years of research and development, focusing on aspects of martial arts, dance arts, and healing arts. Nia delivers a holistic experience that touches the whole of you: body, mind, emotions and spirit.

What are the benefits of Nia™?

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With Nia, you develop a strong, grounded, flexible, and relaxed body and mind. You learn to move fast and slow, with power, precision and ease. Nia ignites muscles and joints, increases range of motion and improves breathing patterns. A class will both stimulate and calms the nervous system, leaving you feeling both energized and relaxed.  Nia invites a deeper connection to self which naturally results in a more loving relationship with the body.

What can you expect of a Nia™ class?

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Nia is a no harm, cardio vascular workout accessible to all ages, body sizes and levels of skill and fitness. Nia can also be beneficial to individuals healing from an injury or living with pain. We advocate for building physical, mental and emotional strength and balance by inviting you to move with pleasure and ease. With Kim Brice as your teacher, you can expected to get a playful and spirited workout.

Expand your physical, mental and emotional range while moving with pleasure and joy.