Personal Leadership Coaching

If you identify with any of the statements below, you might consider a free 30-minute introductory session:

  • I want to learn to welcome change in my life and deal with the unexpected in a healthier way
  • I want to take charge of my life and be less swayed by what others say, think or feel
  • My emotions can be overbearing and I want to be able to deal with them in a supportive way
  • I feel overwhelmed and want to learn to manage stress in a practical way
  • I am always on the move and don’t know how to get off the treadmill
  • I feel I want more out of life but don’t know what I want or don’t know how to bring about the change I long for
  • I want to stay true to myself under pressure
  • I feel stuck and want to let go of what is holding me back
  • I am so hard on myself and others. I long to be more accepting and compassionate

I support you to dig deeper into yourself than you’re able to do on your own. To gain different perspectives than the one you tend to get blinded by. To connect with your inner compass especially during times when you’ve convinced yourself that you’ve lost your way. I"ll help you bring greater intentionality and purpose into your personal and professional life.

A 5-step change process

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Step 1. Envision the outcome
Face reality (where are you today?) and create a vision for a desired outcome (where do you want to be by the end of your coaching trajectory?)

Step 2. Inquire & Observe yourself
Examine how thoughts, feelings, beliefs and personal history are showing up and impacting unsupportive behaviors and habits

Step 3. Practice new ways of doing and being
Identify and practice new actions, mental models or skills, and develop social support systems that are aligned with your vision

Step 4. Evaluate
Reflect on what works and what doesn’t and why

Step 5. Reiterate
Apply the new ways of being and doing and learn how to make them stick.

The methods

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My holistic approach invites my clients to engage with their physical, cognitive and emotional realms. I make use of the following methods:

  • Body Awareness
  • Emotional Body Work
  • Practices from Western and Buddhist psychology
  • Focusing
  • Voice Dialogue
  • Mindfulness
  • Stress reduction techniques
  • Self-compassion
  • Journaling
  • Story telling
  • Visualization

My credentials

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  • Affiliate of The Hague Natural Health Center 
  • Certification: Key Skills for Managers Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace, Mind Share Partners  (2024) 
  • Course: Disclosing a mental health challenge to your Manager, Mind Share Partners (2024)
  • Certification: Nooit Meer Burn Out Methodology (Anita Roelands) 2023
  • Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Trainer, Centrum voor Mindfulness, Amsterdam, 2017 
  • Course: Inside Coaching, Coaches Rising, The Netherlands (2020)
  • Course: The Power of Embodied Transformation, Coaches Rising, The Netherlands (2022) 
  • Certification: Integral Leadership Course: personal leadership coaching training, Venwoude Institute, NL (2011-2013)
  • Course: Personal Excellence: Opening, Fundamentals and Centaur, Venwoude Institute NL (2009-2010)
  • Certification: White, Green, Blue and Brown Belts, Nia instructor, Nia USA (2009-2022)
  • Course: Facilitated Session Leader Training, CapGemini Academy, NL (2005)
  • Course: Communication Training, Essence Training, NL (2005)
  • Course: The Challenge: inspiring leadership and management, Essence Training, NL (2004)
  • Course: Training for managers in fundamentals of human resource development, Kuin Coaching NL (2004)
  • Course: Source, Experience your authentic inner strength, Essence Training NL (2003)
  • Course: Essence, Explore your hidden talent, Essence Training NL (2002) 


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An introductory (30 minutes online or by phone, obligation free)
Free: online 
A 30-minute call to and address questions and see if there is a match.


Note: fees quoted below exclude 21% VAT

An Intake (75 minute session in-person in The Hague or online, obligation free)

  • Paid by employer € 185,-
  • Out-of-pocket (employed) € 135,-
  • Out-of-pocket (unemployed) € 75,-

A 75-minute session which includes an intake survey. You’ll leave this session with more awareness, a concrete tool you can practice and use in your daily life and a proposal for a coaching trajectory.

Coaching Trajectory (in-person in The Hague or online)

  • Paid by employer – € 205,- / 75 min session
  • Out-of-pocket (employed) – € 155,- / 75 min session
  • Out-of-pocket (unemployed) – € 95,- / 75 min session

Most trajectories require a minimum of 6 sessions.